Historija katedre

FF 348 Katedra za farmaceutsku biohemiju i laboratorijsku dijagnostikuU vrijeme osnivanja Farmaceutskog fakulteta u Sarajevu 1973/74. godine, nastava na predmetu Biohemija i kliničke analize se izvodila pri Katedri za biohemiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu. Godine 1991, nakon reorganizacije nastavnog procesa na Farmaceutskom fakultetu u Sarajevu, kao samostalna katedra Farmaceutskog fakulteta osnovana je Katedra za biohemiju i kliničke analize. Godine 1997, umjesto predmeta Biohemija i kliničke analize na Katedri su uvedeni predmeti Medicinska biohemija i Klinička biohemija I i II. Rukovoditeljica Katedre je bila prof. dr. Adlija Jevrić-Čaušević. Godine 2003. u sklopu Katedre uveden je predmet Biohemija lijekova, a od 2012. godine Katedri pripada i predmet Farmaceutska biotehnologija. Godine 2022. Katedra je promijenila naziv u Katedra za farmaceutsku biohemiju i laboratorijsku dijagnostiku.

U periodu od osnivanja Katedre do 2012. godine teoretska i praktična nastava se izvodila dijelom u Centralnom biohemijskom laboratoriju Kliničkog centra, a dijelom u kliničkom laboratoriju i praktikumu za studente Opće Bolnice „Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakaš“ u Sarajevu. Od 2012. godine najveći dio nastavnog procesa izvodi se u zgradi Farmaceutskog fakulteta u Kampusu Univerziteta u Sarajevu.


Nastavno-naučno i stručno osoblje koje trenutno sudjeluje u nastavi

FF 324 Maja Malenica FF 334 Tanja Dujic FF 330 Tamer Bego FF 340 Una Glamocija

Prof. dr. Maja Malenica
vanredna profesorica

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Prof. dr. Tanja Dujić
vanredna profesorica

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Prof. dr. Tamer Bego
vanredni profesor

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Prof. dr. Una Glamočlija
vanredna profesorica

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  FF 342 Selma Imamovic Kadric FF 442 Neven Meseldzic FF Ajka Camdzic

Doc. dr. Suzana Tihić-Kapidžić

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Selma Imamović Kadrić, mr. ph.
viša asistentica

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 Neven Meseldžić, mr. ph.
viši asistent

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 Ajka Čamdžić, mr. ph.

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Nastavna djelatnost (dodiplomska i postdiplomska)

Nastavnu djelatnost Katedra provodi u sklopu univerzitetskog kampusa (Zmaja od Bosne br. 8), u prostorijama Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Farmaceutskog fakulteta. Osnovna nastavna djelatnost Katedre sastoji se od održavanja predavanja, vježbi i seminara  iz redovnih i izbornih predmeta.

Na dodiplomskoj nastavi nastavnici Katedre sudjeluju u nastavi iz predmeta: Klinička biohemija I, Klinička biohemija II, Biohemija lijekova, Farmaceutska biohemija, te Farmaceutska biotehnologija, kao i izbornih predmeta Odabrana poglavlja iz Kliničke biohemije – Biomarkeri, Odabrana poglavlja iz Kliničke biohemije - Biohemija sporta i fizičke aktivnosti, i Odabrana poglavlja iz Biohemije lijekova – Farmakogenomika i personalizirana terapija.

Nastavnici Katedre sudjeluju u nastavi iz izbornih predmeta na postdiplomskim studijima. Na postdiplomskom doktorskom studiju to su izborni predmeti: Oksidativni stres i najznačajniji biomarkeri u patogenezi bolesti, Savremeni pristup u dijagnostici i praćenju diabetes mellitus-a, Personalizirana medicina, Biohemija sporta i fizičke aktivnosti i Ćelijska kultura u farmaciji.

Naučna i stručna djelatnost

Katedra za farmaceutsku biohemiju i laboratorijsku dijagnostiku predstavlja jednu od najstarijih katedri na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu – Farmaceutskom fakultetu. Misija Katedre je osigurati visokokvalitetnu edukaciju i razvoj naučnog istraživanja iz područja opće biohemije, kliničke biohemije, biohemije lijekova, farmakogenetike te farmaceutske biotehnologije. U saradnji s Federalnim ministarstvom zdravstva Katedra aktivno učestvuje i u segmentu izvođenja nastavnog procesa na nivou specijalizacije iz medicinske biohemije i medicinske biohemije i laboratorijske dijagnostike.

Osnovni segmenti naučnog rada kojim se nastavnici i saradnici na Katedri bave fokusiraju se na mehanizme kompleksnih bolesti (dijabetes, predijabetes, metabolički sindrom, oksidativni stres, gojaznost, COVID-19) i identifikaciju novih bioloških markera koji se mogu koristiti u dijagnostici i praćenju navedenih bolesti, kao i na istraživanja iz oblasti farmakogenetike koja se vezuju uz optimalnu, personaliziranu terapiju navedenih poremećaja. Dijagnostička korist u razvoju novih markera evaluira se uz korištenje najsavremenijih metoda uz učešće stručnjaka iz kliničke prakse (Klinički centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Opća bolnica Tešanj, Opća bolnica “Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakaš“), te stručnjaka iz inozemstva (Katedra za kliničku biohemiju, Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Ljubljani, Slovenija; Univerzitet u Lundu, Švedska; Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Srbija; Univerzitetska bolnica Hradec Kralove, Češka Republika; Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Dundeeju, Velika Britanija; Farmaceutski fakultet Univerziteta u Portu, Potrugal; Medicinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Ljubljani, Slovenija; Farmacutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska). Ovakav intenzitet internacionalne i domaće saradnje rezultirao je izradom 16 naučnoistraživačkih projekata u periodu 2004–2024, odbranom sedam doktorskih disertacija, 16 magistarskih i velikog broja diplomskih i završnih radova integrisanog prvog (I) i drugog (II) ciklusa. Trenutno se na Katedri realiziraju dva magisterija i osam doktorskih disertacija te dva naučnoistraživačka projekta, od kojih je jedan internacionalnog karaktera. Također, Katedra je uključena u više programa u okviru COST, CEEPUS i Erasmus+ akcija.

Članovi Katedre su aktivno uključeni u rad Udruženja medicinskih biohemičara Bosne i Hercegovine, Udruženja biohemičara i molekularnih biologa Bosne i Hercegovine, Udruženja genetičara Bosne i Hercegovine, Društva za biološki i medicinski inžinjering  Bosne i Hercegovine, Evropske asocijacije za istraživanje dijabetesa (EASD), Internacionalne federacije za kliničku hemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu (IFCC) i Federacije evropskih biohemijskih društava (FEBS).



History of the Department

At the time of the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Sarajevo in 1975/76, the Biochemistry and Clinical Analysis course was taught at the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo. In 1991, after the reorganization of the teaching process at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Sarajevo, the Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Analysis was established as an independent department of the Faculty of Pharmacy. In 1997, instead of the course Biochemistry and Clinical Analysis, the Department introduced the courses Medical Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry I and II. The Head of the Department was Prof. dr. Adlija Jevrić-Čaušević. In 2003, the Drug Biochemistry course was introduced within the Department, and since 2012, the course Pharmaceutical Biotechnology has been part of the Department. In 2022, the Department changed its name to the Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics.

During the period from the establishment of the Department until 2012, theoretical and practical classes were delivered partly in the Central Biochemical Laboratory of the Clinical Center, and partly in the clinical laboratory and practicum for students of the General Hospital “Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakaš” in Sarajevo. Since 2012, the teaching process has been mainly carried out in the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Campus of the University of Sarajevo.

Teaching and professional staff currently involved in the teaching process

  • Professor Emeritus Adlija Čaušević, from 1978
  • Associate Professor Maja Malenica, from 2003
  • Associate Professor Tanja Dujić, from 2005
  • Associate Professor Tamer Bego, from 2007
  • Associate Professor Una Glamočlija, from 2019
  • Assistant Professor Suzana Tihić-Kapidžić, from 2024
  • Senior Teaching and Research Assistant Selma Imamović Kadrić, MPharm, from 2018
  • Senior Teaching and Research Assistant Neven Meseldžić, MPharm, from 2018

Teaching activities (graduate and postgraduate)

Teaching activites at the Department are carried out at the university campus (Zmaja od Bosne 8) within the premises of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Pharmacy. The main teaching activities consist of organizing lectures, tutorials and seminars, for both obligatory and elective courses.

The Department faculty members are involved in the teaching of several courses within undergraduate studies, including Clinical Biochemistry I, Clinical Biochemistry II, Drug Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, as well as elective courses: Selected Topics in Clinical Biochemistry – Biomarkers, Selected Topics in Clinical Biochemistry – Biochemistry of Sports and Physical Activities, and Selected Topics in Drug Biochemistry – Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Therapy.

Teachers and teaching assistants also contribute to elective courses in postgraduate studies. These include elective courses of the doctoral studies: Oxidative Stress and Key Biomarkers in Disease Pathogenesis, Modern Approaches to Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis and Monitoring, Personalized Medicine, Biochemistry of Sports and Physical Activities, and Cell Culture in Pharmacy.


Academic and professional activities

The Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics stands as one of the University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Pharmacy's founding departments. The mission of the Department is to provide high-quality education and development of scientific research in the fields of general biochemistry, clinical biochemistry, drug biochemistry, pharmacogenetics and pharmaceutical biotechnology. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Department actively participates in the specialized training programs focused on Medical Biochemistry and Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, contributing significantly to the teaching process within this domain.

The main focus of research of the teachers and teaching assistants at the Department are the mechanisms of complex diseases (diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress, obesity, COVID-19) and the identification of new biological markers that can be used in their diagnosis and monitoring, as well as research in the field of pharmacogenetics related to optimal, personalized therapy of the above-mentioned disorders. To evaluate the diagnostic utility of newly identified markers, state-of-the-art methodologies are employed, often in collaboration with clinical experts (Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo, General Hospital Tešanj, and General Hospital „Dr. Abdulah Nakaš“), as well as international collaborators (Department of Clinical Biochemistry at the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Lund University (Sweden); Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Belgrade (Serbia); University Hospital Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic); Faculty of Medicine at the University of Dundee (United Kingdom); Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto (Portugal); Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); and Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb (Croatia)).

This robust network of international and domestic partnerships has yielded significant outcomes, including 16 research projects between 2004 and 2024, successful defense of seven doctoral dissertations, and 16 master's theses, along with numerous undergraduate theses. Currently, two master's theses, eight doctoral dissertations, and two research projects, one of which is of international scope, are being conducted at the Department. Additionally, the Department is involved in several programs within COST, CEEPUS and Erasmus+ actions.

Members of the Department are actively involved in the work of the Association of Medical Biochemists in BiH, Association of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists in BiH, Association of Geneticists in BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina Medical and Biological Engineering Society, European Association for Study of Diabetes (EASD), International Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), and Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS).