Historija KatedreFF 400 Katedra za hemiju II dio

Od osnivanja Farmaceutskog fakulteta 1973/74. godine nastavu za studente iz predmeta u oblastiprirodnih nauka izvodili su nastavnici i saradnici s Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu do 1992. godine.

Od 1993. do 2002. godine nastavu na predmetima iz oblasti prirodnih nauka izvode nastavnici i saradnici stalno uposleni na Farmaceutskom fakultetu. U ovom periodu pojedinačni nastavni predmeti bili su samostalni kolegiji.

FF 359 Katedra za hemiju u farmacijiKatedra za prirodno-matematičke predmete u farmaciji Farmaceutskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu formirana je 2002. godine, nakon objedinjavanja nastavnih predmeta iz oblasti prirodnih nauka, a koji se izučavaju na Farmaceutskom fakultetu.

U 2022. godini mijenja se naziv u Katedra za hemiju u farmaciji.



Nastavno-naučno i stručno osoblje koje trenutno sudjeluje u nastavi: 

FF 432 Sacira Mandal FF 321 Aida Sapcanin FF 433 Hurija Dzudzevic Cancar FF 438 Mirsada Salihovic

Prof. dr. Šaćira Mandal
redovna profesorica

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Prof. dr. Aida Šapčanin
redovna profesorica

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Prof. dr. Hurija Džudžević-Čančar
redovna profesorica

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Prof. dr. Mirsada Salihović
redovna profesorica

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FF 437 Mirha Pazalja FF 434 Alema Dedic Mahmutovic FF 301 Emina Ramic FF 431 Amra Alispahic

Prof. dr. Mirha Pazalja
vanredna profesorica

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Doc.dr. Alema Dedić

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Doc. dr. Emina Ramić

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Doc. dr. Amra Alispahić

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FF 313 Selma Korac FF 435 Mediha Cubro FF 436 Mubera Pehlivanovic FF 45 Melita Kurtovic 

Selma Korać
viša asistentica

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Mediha Čubro
prof. hemije
viši samostalni laborant


Mubera Pehlivanović
viši laborant



Melita Kurtović



Nastavna djelatnost

Nastavnici i saradnici Katedre realiziraju teoretsku i praktičnu nastavu na I, II, III i V godini integrisanog studija i III ciklusu studija Farmaceutskog fakulteta iz sljedećih obaveznih i izbornih predmeta: Opšta hemija, Analitička hemija I, Analitička hemija II, Odabrana poglavlja iz Analitičke hemije – Bioanalitička hemija, Odabrana poglavlja iz Analitičke hemije – Analitika elemenata u tragovima, Odabrana poglavlja iz Analitičke hemije – Slobodni radikali i antioksidansi, Savremeni pristup istraživanjima u analizi masnih kiselina, Anorganska hemija, Odabrana poglavlja iz Anorganske hemije – Hemija bioelemenata, Organska hemija I, Organska hemija II, Odabrana poglavlja iz organske hemije – Mehanizmi sinteze biološki aktivnih spojeva, Heterociklusi u strukturi farmaceutski aktivnih supstanci, Organska hemija u sintezi lijekova, CSF biomarkeri Alzheimerove demencije, MAOS i ekstrakcije bioaktivnih spojeva, Mikrotalasno potpomognute Zelene sinteze bioaktivnih spojeva, Savremeni pristup ekstrakciji i analizi volatila iz prirodnih materijala, Hiralna hromatografija – primjena na prirodnim materijalima, Fizikalna hemija I, Fizikalna hemija II, Odabrana poglavlja iz Fizikalne hemije – Koloidna hemija.

Naučna i stručna djelatnost

Istraživanja u koja su uključeni članovi Katedre izvode se u okviru projekata finansiranih od strane Ministarstva za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade Kantona Sarajevo i Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke BiH. Naučni interes uposlenika Katedre kreće se u više pravaca:

  • usavršavanje analitičko-hemijskih metoda za mjerenje antioksidativnog kapaciteta tkiva i tjelesnih tekućina (ORAC i druge spektrofluorimetrijske i fotometrijske metode);
  • slobodni radikali i njihova uloga u neurodegeneraciji, posebno u Parkinsonovoj i Alzheimerovoj bolesti;
  • prirodni antioksidansi, polifenoli, flavonoidi, antocijanidini i antocijanidinski glikozidi;
  • odnos strukture i antioksidativnog djelovanja čistih organskih molekula i biomolekula;
  • eksperimentalni modeli Alzheimerove bolesti, dijabetes mellitusa i cerebralnih bolesti, aloksan i streptozotocin model;
  • analitika anorganskih i organskih polutanata u zemljištu i procjene zdravstvenog rizika;
  • analitika slobodnih masnih kiselina – struktura u zdravlju i bolesti te razvoj specifičnih i osjetljivih metoda za identifikaciju masnih kiselina i njihovih metaboličkih derivata;
  • istraživanje mehanizma i signalnih puteva masnih kiselina uključenih u regulaciju ekspresije i aktivnosti određenih gena u tip 2 dijabetes mellitusu i u drugim bolestima; buduća istraživanja fokusirana su na masne kiseline i slobodne masne kiseline u metabolomskim, a posebno lipidomskim istraživanjima;
  • sinteza i strukturna karakterizacija novih acikličkih nukleozida i njihova biološka aktivnost;
  • elektrohemijska karakterizacija rutenijevih kompleksnih spojeva i razvoj novih senzora za određene analite upotrebom rutenijevih kompleksa kao medijatora;
  • analiza anorganskih polutanata u zraku, biomonitoring kvaliteta zraka, okolinska hemija, hemija hrane, procjene zdravstvenog rizika;
  • sinteza i strukturna karakterizacija kompleksnih spojeva sa Šifovim bazama;
  • elektrokataliza i korozija materijala, sinteza materijala za konverziju i skladištenje energije;
  • određivanje elektrohemijskih parametara polielektrolita i provodljivih polimera;
  • detekcija i kvantifikacija beta-amiloida i tau-proteina kao biomarkera Alzheimerove bolesti u cerebrospinalnom likvoru;
  • konstrukcija biosenzora acetilkolinesteraze od kompozita konjugirani polimeri – nanočestice, za detekciju organofosfornih pesticide;
  • mikrotalasima potpomognuta organska sinteza bioaktivnih spojeva;
  • mikrotalasima potpomognuta ekstrakcija prirodnih produkata;
  • primjena principa zelene hemije u organskoj sintezi i ekstrakciji bioaktivnih spojeva;
  • prekoncentriranje teških metala na oksidima Ce i Zr modificiranih različitim reagensima i njihovo određivanje AAS;
  • određivanje mineralnog sastava prirodnih produkata metodom AAS;
  • analiza fazne stabilnosti proteina za primjenu u farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji;
  • ekstrakcija volatila metodom mikroekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (HS-SPME) različitim adsorpcijskim vlakanima;
  • hemijska karakterizacija različitih biljnih ekstrakata i eteričnih ulja primjenom GS-MS, HPLC, hiralne hromatografije, FTIR i UV-vis spektrometrije;
  • analiza genotoksičnosti i citotoksičnosti biljnih ekstrakata;
  • određivanje in silico/in vitro antioksidativne, antimikrobne, antibakterijske, antifungalne i antiproliferativne aktivnosti prirodnih produkata;
  • analiza fitosterola HPLC metodom;
  • razvoj i validacija metode za određivanje teških metala u farmaceutskim produktima;
  • razvoj i validacija metode za određivanje fitosterola.



History of the Department

From the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy in 1973/74 until 1992, classes for students in the field of natural sciences were delivered by teachers and associates from the Faculty of Science of the University of Sarajevo. From 1993 to 2002, classes in courses in the field of natural sciences was delivered by teachers and teachinmg assistants permanently employed at the Faculty of Pharmacy. In this period, individual courses were designed as independent. The Department for science and mathematical courses in pharmacy of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Sarajevo was formed in 2002, after the unification of courses from the area of science, which were studied at the Faculty of Pharmacy. In 2022, its name was changed to the Department of Chemistry in Pharmacy.

Teaching and professional staff currently involved in the teaching process

  • Full Professor Aida Šapčanin, from 1996
  • Full Professor Šaćira Mandal, from 1997
  • Full Professor Hurija Džudžević Čančar, from 2004
  • Full Professor Mirsada Salihović, from 2006
  • Associate Professor Mirha Pazalja, from 2007
  • Assistant Professor Emina Ramić, from 2013
  • Assistant Professor Alema Dedić, from 2013
  • Assistant Professor Amra Alispahić, from 2007
  • Senior Assistant Selma Korać, master physico-chemist, from 2018
  • Senior Laboratory Assistant Mubera Pehlivanović, from 1996
  • Senior Independent Laboratory Assistant Mediha Čubro, prof. chem., from 2000
  • Laboratory Assistant Melita Kurtović, from 2023

Teaching activities

The teachers and teaching assistants of the Department carry out theoretical and practical classes in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th years of the integrated study and the 3rd cycle of studies of the Faculty of Pharmacy from compulsory and elective courses, as follows: General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry I, Analytical Chemistry II, Selected Chapters from Analytical Chemistry Chemistry – Bioanalytical Chemistry, Selected Chapters from Analytical Chemistry – Analysis of Trace Elements, Selected Chapters from Analytical Chemistry – Free Radicals and Antioxidants, Modern Approach to Research in Fatty Acid Analysis, Inorganic chemistry, Selected chapters from Inorganic chemistry – Chemistry of bioelements, Organic Chemistry I, Organic Chemistry II, Selected Chapters in Organic Chemistry – Mechanisms of the synthesis of biologically active compounds, Heterocycles in the structure of pharmaceutical active substances, Organic chemistry in drug synthesis, CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer's dementia, MAOS and extractions of of bioactive compounds, Microwave-assisted green synthesis of bioactive compounds, Chiral chromatography on natural materials, A modern approach to the extraction and analysis of volatiles from natural materials, Physical Chemistry I, Physical Chemistry II, Selected Chapters in Physical Chemistry – Colloidal Chemistry

Academic and professional activities

  • Research in which members of the Department are involved is carried out within the framework of projects financed by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Canton Sarajevo and the Federal Ministry of Education and Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The scientific interest of the Department's employees moves in several directions:improvement of analytical-chemical methods for measuring the antioxidant capacity of tissues and body fluids (ORAC and other spectrofluorimetric and photometric methods);
  • free radicals and their role in neurodegeneration, especially in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease;
  • natural antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanidins and anthocyanidin glycosides;
  • the relationship between the structure and antioxidant activity of pure organic molecules and biomolecules;
  • experimental models of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus and cerebral diseases, alloxan and streptozotocin model;
  • analysis of inorganic and organic pollutants in soil and health risk assessments;
  • analysis of free fatty acids – structure in health and disease and the development of specific and sensitive methods for the identification of fatty acids and their metabolic derivatives;
  • research into the mechanism and signaling pathways of fatty acids involved in the regulation of the expression and activity of certain genes in type 2 diabetes mellitus and other diseases; future research is focused on fatty acids and free fatty acids in metabolomic and especially lipidomic research;
  • synthesis and structural characterization of new acyclic nucleosides and their biological activity;
  • electrochemical characterization of ruthenium complex compounds and development of new sensors for specific analytes using ruthenium complexes as mediators;
  • analysis of inorganic pollutants in the air, biomonitoring of air quality, environmental chemistry, food chemistry and health risk assessments;
  • electrocatalysis and material corrosion, synthesis of energy conversion and storage materials;
  • determination of electrochemical parameters of polyelectrolytes and conducting polymers;
  • detection and quantification of beta-amyloid and tau protein as the biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in cerebrospinal fluid;
  • acetylcholinesterase biosensor construction from conjugated polymers-nanoparticle composites for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides;
  • microwave assisted organic synthesis of molecules with biological activity;
  • microwave assisted extraction of natural products;
  • application of green chemistry principles in the synthesis and extraction of bioactive compounds;
  • preconcentration of heavy metals on Ce and Zr oxides modified with different reagents and their determination by AAS;
  • determination of the mineral composition of natural products by the AAS method;
  • protein phase stability analysis for application in the pharmaceutical and food industries;
  • extraction of volatiles by headspace solid-phase microextraction on different adsorption fibers;
  • chemical characterization of different plant extracts and essential oils by HPLC, GS-MS, Chiral chromatography, FTIR, and UV-vis spectrometry;
  • in silico and in vitro determination of the antioxidative, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiproliferative activity of natural products;
  • in vitro determination of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of natural product samples against different human cancer cell lines;
  • HPLC analysis of phytosterols;
  • development and validation of a method for heavy metal detection in pharmaceutical products;
  • development and validation of the method for phytosterol determination.